Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Let me tell you how USER ACCOUNTS can save yours computer from being infected from viruses. Let me tell you in Windows operating system there are two types of USER ACCOUNTS. One is Administrator Account and another is Limited Account. Virus can only spread to yours whole computer if they have been executed through Administrator account.
Let me tell you what is the difference between Administrator Account and Limited Account. Actually Administrator Account have access to everything into computer. So they can do all types of changes in yours computer. While Limited Account have access only to their own Account and they have some restrictions. So Limited Accounts cannot do everything and this is the reason that virus which has been executed in Limited Account may only be able to infect that Limited Account and cannot infect Administrator Account. Remember yours Administrator Account must have been protected with password otherwise virus can even access to Administrator Account using Limited Account and can spread.
So, I will suggest you to create two accounts. One account will be Administrator Account and another account will be Limited Account.

How to create Administrator Account?
To create Administrator Account go to START then RUN. Type CONTROL and then click on OK. Click on USER ACCOUNTS. Click on Create a new account. Now give any name to yours account suppose we give name ADMIN and then click on next. Choose COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR and then click on CREATE ACCOUNT.

Now click on ADMIN. Click on Create a password and type password for yours ADMIN account.

Note:- If you will not set password to yours administrator account then if virus will be executed on LIMITED ACCOUNT then it will try to access ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT. And if password not set they will be able to gain access to Administrator Account and will spread to yours whole computer.

How to create Limited Account?
To create Limited Account go to START then RUN. Type CONTROL and then click on OK. Click on USER ACCOUNTS. Click on Create a new account. Now give any name to yours account suppose we give name LIMIT and then click on next. Choose LIMITED and then click on CREATE ACCOUNT.

Note --> Remember one thing a computer may have more than one Administrator Account. All Administrator Account have the power to change the USER ACCOUNT SETTINGS of other Administrator account. So one Administrator Account can even change other Administrator Account into LIMITED account and that account will have no more power of Administrator. If you run any file containing virus in Administrator Account. Then it will spread to all accounts. It will even spread to other Administrator Accounts of that same computer. Not only that but it will even spread to LIMITED ACCOUNTS.

Now if yours PC is shared by some other people then you just give them to use LIMITED ACCOUNT so that by mistake even if they open any infected file then virus will only spread to yours LIMITED ACCOUNT not to ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT.

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